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HomeAsiaPunjabMassive Sikh Conclave Concludes with Resolutions Targeting Badal Regime

Massive Sikh Conclave Concludes with Resolutions Targeting Badal Regime

BARGARI, PUNJAB (SNN) – During a massive show of strength by pro-Panthic organizations on the conclusion of the Bhog ceremony for the two Sikh protestors, Bhai Gurjeet Singh and Bhai Krishan Bhagwan Singh, who were recently killed by the Punjab Police, several resolutions were passed against the Badal regime  in Punjab.

The function was attended by tens of thousands of Sikhs including representatives from near every Sikh organization aside from the Sant-Samaj or major Nihang Dals.  They included, Jathedar Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji, Bhai Major Singh Ji (one of the Panj Piarays from Sri Akal Takht Takht Sahib),  Jathedar Balwant Singh Nandgarh, Bhai Ranjit Singh Dhadhree,  Simranjit Singh Mann, Daljit Singh Bittu, Panthpreet Singh, and various representatives from Akhand Kirtani Jatha, Damdami Taksal, and Sikh missionary organizations who all sat shoulder to shoulder on an elevated platform.


Speaker after speaker highlighted the fact that the current Punjab Government lead by arrogant Parkash Badal is the biggest enemy of the Sikh Nation, and the various incidents of desecration are all due to this Government’s policies and conduct.  One thing that was unaninous was the Badal family and their supporters needed to be boycotted by the Panth and be driven out of all Sikh and Punjab institutions.

Jathedar Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji speaking at the Sikh conclave

The nine main resolutions that were announced to the Sangat are summarized as follows:

    • The Chief Minister of Punjab (Parkash Badal) is thirsty for the blood of the Sikhs, on October 30th, 2015 all Sikh Parchariks, Ragis, Dhadhees would gather at Fatehgarh Sahib at 11am and march to Badal’s residence to offer their blood to the Chief Minister.
    • On October 27-29th   Sikhs across Punjab and abroad are being requested to hold Sri Akhand Patth Sahibs for the ‘pashchataap’ (seek forgiveness) for the beadbi that has occurred.
    • On November 3rd, the Sikh Nation is asked to from 12 noon – 3pm display black flags, in every village, town, and city as a symbol of National Protest.
    • The Upcoming Diwali would not be celebrated, instead it will be known as a “Black Divali” where black flags should be displayed installed install of lights.
    •  The Sikh Panth demands clarification from Chief Minister of Punjab (Parkash Badal) why the Punjab Government is not taking appropriate steps for the release of Sikh prisoners who are to be discharged from other states.
    • The two innocent brothers Rupinder Singh, Jaswinder Singh who were arrested on concocted charges, need to release immediately.  The police officers who shot and killed the Bhai Gurjeet Singh and Bhai Krishan Bhagwan Singh, and the officers who ordered the killing need to prosecuted and arrested for their crimes.
    • The Sikh Nation no longer has confidence in the current Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC)’s leadership; fresh elections are demanded for this institution immediately.
  • One of the resolutions was generic in nature as it dealt with the way the Government handles, grievances from the public, and the ill treatment of women in Punjab police stations, and prevalence of basic lawlessness in every aspect of life in the state including scandals, mafias, bribery, extortion, and how these ills need to be dealt with.

The conclave game the Badal Government the final deadline of November 15th, to follow up and abide by these demands, otherwise the speakers threatened, a more hardline approach would be chalked out in the near future.

DDT and Nihang Chiefs Absent

Conspicuously absent from the arena were the heads of Budha Dal, Tarna Dal, and Baba Budhi Chand Dal, in particular Jathedar Nihal Singh, Jathedar Balbir Singh, and  Jathedar Avtaar Singh SurSingh.

Also missing was Harnam Singh Dhumma from the Damdami Taksal Mehta, and his affiliated Sant-Samaj members.  Many of these individuals have  had a cozy relationship with the Badal Government for the past decade and have openly campaigned on behalf of the Akali-BJP combine.

However, the latest statements from the Nihang chiefs indicate they have now started to criticize the Badal Government openly and give full support to the Panj Piaray of Sri Akal Takht Sahib and the concept of ‘Panch Pardhani.’


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