Friday, July 12, 2024

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Desecrations Continue in Punjab as Badal Blames ‘Foreign’ Elements and Calls in the Para-Military

BATHINDA, GURUSAR (SNN) – In yet another shocking incident of desecration, several hundred angs from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji’s saroop were found scattered in the village streets. According to witnesses, this incident occurred between 4-5am, and various angs from 1273 to 1430 were found by the local Sikh residents.

This is the latest in a string of desecrations that has taken place throughout Punjab. In reaction, thousands of Sikhs have taken to the streets in protest.  In many town life has been brought to a standstill due to the protests and road blockages by the protesting Sikh masses.

Badal Gov’t Blame ‘Foreign’ Elements

The ruling Akali Government, in a hasty called news conference stated that they have uncovered those behind most of beadbi cases and foolishly asserted that these desecrations are being orchestrated by foreign elements and possibly even certain Khalistani activists.

Sikh organizations quickly rejected these far-fetched claims and cautioned the Badal Government to desist from spreading rumors in order to defame and demoralize the Sikh community.

Paramilitary Units Deployed In Major Punjab Cities

Under the guise of implementing ‘peace and security’, Chief Minister Parkash Badal has requested the Central Government to deploy paramilitary troops in Punjab to squelch the protests that has left his Government virtually paralyzed.

The sight of columns of military forces marching into the Punjab countryside is bringing ominous memories of 1984 when martial law was declared and thousands of Sikhs were killed, eliminated, and imprisoned during that dark period in North India.


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